Coles on the Coast Podcast

A podcast about homesteading on the Alabama Gulf Coast. We will discuss gardening adventures, livestock raising, and child rearing.

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Monday Sep 18, 2023

Monday Managerie 3: Episode 27 COTC
Join Jessica and Charlie as they talk about various topics ranging from childhood ailments, remedies, charlatans, bonfires, Marshmallows with blue food dye, Russians shooting down UFOs, Jessica and Charlie’s Trivia night, the game: Whist, Poker dice and more.
What’s up with Pink Eye?
Crunchy options:
Colloidal Silver, Breast milk, Chamomile??
Our pink eye story
-first Bella
-Paw Paw
-Caspar’s Left eye
-Caspar’s Right eye
Camp Dixie
Marshmallows blue die
Russian shooting down ufo
Denver Airport Nazi Murals
Trivia Night for youth fundraiser
Charlie wants to learn Whist
Poker dice
-Yahtzee is based off it

Monday Sep 11, 2023

Small engine repair
How did you get started doing small engine repair?
Charlie started working with his uncle as a young teen. He worked with him part time on the weekends
What are the most important things to consider when owning a small engine?
-A good place to store it.
-plan for maintaining it, how easy is it to reach items to maintain?
-can you get/store fuel for it?
What goes wrong most often on small engines?
-Bad gas
- could be bad stablizer
What should I do if I have a no start situation? What's my first course of action?
Look at the spark plug, and look at gas- drain tank and the carburetor and put in new gas then it should start
When it comes to maintenance what is most important?
-Make sure the carburetor is easily accessable
-Check the ease of use of change the blades/string?
-Do not let your engine run out of oil-especially true for mowers-check every time you use the machine.
-Install Fuel shut off switch
How often will I need to count on changing the blades?
When I'm going to maintain my own equipment, what are the most important tools that I would need?
-a good socket set with both in and millimeter sets
-Dewalt driver set/screwdriver
-for handheld appliances theres carburetor adjustment tools
to help unbolt
-adjustable wrench
-Ballistol, gibbs, Penetrating oil
What should I do when I'm done for the season and I'm putting my mower up for the winter?
-Drain the carborator
-Shut off the fuel shut off switch
-Sharpen the blades
clean it
oil it all up
Use a stabilizer for gas
Don't buy $2,000 Homedepot mowers, chose a dealer that can help you
The perfect gift 10mm socket

Monday Sep 04, 2023

Coles on the Coast Episode 25- Sustainability in Everyday Life
What is sustainability? “in the broadest sense, sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time".
Sustainability should be an everyday thing.
Area where you can become more sustainable.
Replace disposable straws and other items with reusable.
Move to heavy duty glass cups and dishes and away from disposable.
With canning use bulk pectin and reusable lids.
or learn to cook fruit with natural pectin.
Lint free towels instead of paper towels.
napkin alternatives.
Razors – switch to a safety razor or to a modern double edge razor.
Supply Co
One Blade
Swap toilet paper for a bidet.
Reusable feminine hygiene products.
Cup, Disk, cloth pads/underwear
Cloth diapers
Cloth wipes
Wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets.
Use concentrated bulk cleaners.
Make own laundry detergent from simple ingredients.
Vinegar for all purpose cleaner and fabric softener

Monday Aug 28, 2023

Join Jessica and Charlie and they talk about different ghost stories from around Alabama. From places like Sloss Furnace to Saraland, Alabama.
The book mentioned is:
Make sure to subscribe with Coles on the Coast so you can keep up with the latest podcast episodes.
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Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

Join us as we talk about various subjects including:
Our eggs, the Chickens are laying as many as 10 eggs a day!
Pickling Okra
Why we never recorded a new podcast last week and had to air a Bonus Episode instead… *whisper- It’s Charlie’s Fault*
New Pyramid Games We’ve learned to play:
A new game, Sum Swamp, Jessica bought the kids to learn addition and subtraction Link here to buy:
Which she learned about no a Game-School Community
Dice and their math probability
Our thoughts on the game Settlers of Catan. Link to buy:
Black Solder Flies in Alabama and the want to grow them.
Charlie’s strange yawning and fidgeting
Jessica’s idea for homemade wood tokens for reviewer of the week.
As well as Charlie’s information on Wooden Nickels and Wooden Dollars.
Laser-etching jobs that we currently have going.
Charlie’s smelling things. Anytime Charlie picks up something
New he smells them.
Raspberries and how neither of us grew up eating raspberries.
Our sad persimmon tree.
Benjamin Franklin’s quote that was repeated in the Little House, Long Winter: and in the card game Fluxx:
You can email us at or by visiting our Website: at You can support us buy “buying a coffee on our website, taking music lessons, calling Charlie out to fix your small engines, buying 3D Printed items from us, Laser etched items, or buying chicken themed t-shirts at our etsy shop:
If you start your Amazon shopping by first clicking our link, it will help support our podcasting efforts by giving us a portion of the sells price.

Monday Aug 14, 2023

Join us in this quick chat as we discuss what sponsorships are and what irritates Charlie about professional sponsorships. Look for more original content coming soon.
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Support us buy starting your Amazon shopping with this link:

Monday Aug 07, 2023

Episode 22: Homestead Happenings
Getting green eggs
Three Roos in the Freezer
Worms are doing better
AR ahead on math; violin camp
C starting to be vocal about tummy
AJ Cutting a bunch of teeth
Jess lessons ramping up
Charlie going back to days
Beach trip
Working extra
Managing air Bnb
Mostly dead
Still get some peppers
Jelly coming soon.
Took to transmission place
Liver pate pucks to add to food
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Monday Jul 31, 2023

Title: "Exploring the World of At-Home Fermentation"
Welcome and brief explanation of what fermentation is.
Introduce the hosts and their interest in fermentation.
What is Fermentation?
Definition and explanation of fermentation.
Lacto Fermentation is when lactobacteria convert sugars into latic acid.
Not the same as Fermentation for making win or beer.
Overview of its historical significance in food preservation and flavor development.
Made it easy to store vegetables that would normal go bad.
Salt, water, and the vegatables made a simple recipe that would keep for several weeks.
The finished product can also be waterbath canned to further extend the shelf life.
Benefits of At-Home Fermentation
Discuss the advantages of fermenting food and beverages at home.
Tasty foods.
Make Pickles without Vinegar or sugar.
Only three ingredients unless you want to experiment.
Highlight health benefits and potential cost savings.
Full of probiotics.
Costs a lot less than premade.
Getting Started with At-Home Fermentation
Essential equipment and tools needed for beginners.
Mason jars
Fermentation Weight
Fermentation Lids – To let the gas escape
Tamper to pack the food into the jar.
Safety guidelines and best practices.
Always wash your hands and clean your equipment.
You can sterilize your jars by steaming for 10 minutes.
Wash you vegetables before cutting to avoid introducing bad bacteria into the mix.
Use a high quality sea salt
Popular Fermented Foods
Explore a variety of fermented foods from different cultures.
Discuss the uniqueness of each ferment and their flavor profiles.
Step-by-Step Fermentation Process
Walkthrough of a basic fermentation process.
Emphasize the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
Troubleshooting and Tips
Address common fermentation problems and how to avoid them.
Provide tips for achieving successful fermentations.
Creative Fermentation
Encourage experimentation with flavors and ingredients.
Share innovative and unique fermentation ideas.
9. Fermented Beverages
Explore the world of homemade fermented drinks (e.g., kombucha, kefir).
Blacktea with sugar
Vinegar Soda.
Discuss the process and benefits of probiotic beverages.
Probiotic bacteria and fungus
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Tuesday Jul 25, 2023


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