Monday Oct 09, 2023

Pivoting Through Life’s Changes- Ep 30

CotC Episode 30- Pivoting Through Life’s Changes


Join Jessica as she reflects on changes in plans in life and emergent situations. This is a short episode brought to you after some unexpected situations for the Cole family this past weekend. Jessica shares ways she has been able to help herself self-motivate and self-regulate with unexpected happenings.

Some of the main keypoints:


1. Know your priorities/goals.

2. Take care of those priorities first, if there’s people involved care for the health/safety of those involved first.

3. Recognize and name your emotions/feelings.

4. Then create a plan and take care of it.


We all have unexpected life situations that happen. Try to mitigate your stress before these situations happen by becoming more prepared. Examples: Simplify your home/schedules, know those priorities, know ways to take care of your own maintenance issues, be willing to learn how to take care of things yourself.


Find more or contact Jessica and Charlie at

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